Raspberry Pi 5 Kit Robot
I 10 migliori prodotti di gennaio 2025
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22 gennaio 2025
Freenove Robot Dog Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Walking, Self Balancing, Face Recognition, Ball Tracing, Ultrasonic Ranging, App Control, Camera, Servo (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Multiple Functions: Each of the four legs has three motors, the rotatable head has a camera and an ultrasonic distance sensor (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ / A+ / Zero 1.3 / Zero W is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit) (Note: The LED module will not work with Raspberry Pi 5)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
134,95 € SU AMAZON
Freenove Big Hexapod Robot Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Walking, Self Balancing, Face Recognition, Ultrasonic Ranging, App Control, Camera, Servo (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Multiple Functions: Each of the six legs has three motors, the rotatable head has a camera and an ultrasonic distance sensor (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ / A+ / Zero 1.3 / Zero W is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit) (Note: The LED module will not work with Raspberry Pi 5)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
179,95 € SU AMAZON
Freenove Robot Arm Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Stepper Motor, Metal Structure, Clamping Mode, Drawing Mode, Record and Replay, App Control (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Two Working Modes: Clamping mode (with replay function) and Drawing mode (in pictures or custom lines) (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ / A+ / Zero 1.3 / Zero W is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit) (Note: The LED module will not work with Raspberry Pi 5)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
169,95 € SU AMAZON
Freenove Tank Robot Kit for Raspberry Pi 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Crawler Chassis, Grab Objects, Ball Tracing, Line Tracking, Obstacle Avoidance, App Control, Camera, Servo (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Multiple Functions: Crawler chassis, liftable clamp, camera and ultrasonic distance sensor (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ / A+ / Zero 1.3 / Zero W is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
74,95 € SU AMAZON
Freenove 4WD Smart Car Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Face Tracking, Line Tracking, Light Tracing, Obstacle Avoidance, App Control, Camera, Servo (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Multiple Functions: This car has four drive wheels, the rotatable head has a camera and an ultrasonic distance sensor (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ / A+ / Zero 1.3 / Zero W is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit) (Note: The RGB LED will not work with Raspberry Pi 5)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows, macOS or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
69,95 € SU AMAZON
RasTech Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Kit 64GB Edition con Active Cooler, alimentazione USB-C da 27W 5.1V5A, scheda Pi5 8GB, kit lettori di schede da 64GB, custodia Pi 5, cavi di uscita Dual 4K Micro HD
24% Sconto
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【Pacchetto incluso】RasTech Raspberry Pi 5 Kit include 1 x scheda Raspberry Pi 5 8GB, 1 x scheda 64GB, 1x dispositivo di raffreddamento attivo, 1 x custodia in ABS Pi 5, 2 x cavo HD OUT 4K, 1 x alimentatore USB C, 1 x lettore di schede, 1x adattatore per schede, 1 x cacciavite. 12 mesi di garanzia gratuita, servizio a vita, 24 ore di prompt e risposta amichevole. La scheda è inclusa con la scheda Raspberry Pi 5 8GB.
【Processore più forte】Il Raspberry Pi 5 8GB utilizza un processore Broadcom BCM2712 a 64 bit, dotato di aggiornamenti Gigabit Ethernet e IEEE 802.11ac WLAN, Bluetooth 5.0 Dual Band 2.4GHz e 5GHz. Abilita Power over Ethernet (PoE). Con una velocità 2-3 volte superiore alla generazione precedente, Raspberry Pi ha ridefinito l'esperienza.
【Cooler attivo all'interno dell'alloggiamento ABS】Il Cooler attivo combina dissipatori di calore in alluminio e ventilatori PWM. A differenza dei normali ventilatori, la ventola PWM supporta il controllo della velocità PWM, che è perfettamente compatibile con Raspberry Pi OS. Con 3510 ventola di raffreddamento ultra-silenziosa e termopad, può abbassare rapidamente la temperatura della scheda Raspberry Pi.
【Supporta due display 4Kp60】Il Raspberry Pi 5 ha due porte HD OUT mini che possono essere utilizzate per più visualizzazioni desktop contemporaneamente. Entrambe le porte offrono viste 4Kp60 Ultra High Definition, migliorando notevolmente le prestazioni grafiche e gli utenti non avranno mai voglia di guardare un mini computer
【Ampiamente usato】Il rilascio del Raspberry Pi 5 è un momento emozionante che ci porta una scelta di computer più potente, funzionale e a risparmio energetico. Che tu voglia costruire un progetto innovativo o trovare un computer potente per le tue esigenze quotidiane, Raspberry Pi 5 è una scelta eccellente. Cogli l'opportunità di sperimentare il fascino della tecnologia del futuro e intraprendi un viaggio di innovazione insieme!
141,99 € SU AMAZON
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Quad-Core ARMA76 (64 Bits - 2,4 GHz)
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Processore quad-core ARMA76 (64 bit - 2,4 GHz) °GPU VideoCore VII 800 MHz integrata °Prestazioni da 2 a 3 volte superiori rispetto alla versione 4
Resa grafica notevolmente migliorata ° Micro-SD ad alta velocità ° Visualizza 2x 4K-60 fps contemporaneamente
2x USB 3.0 5GBps ° 2 connettori MIPI DSI/CSI a 4 vie
Nuove caratteristiche : ¤ Tasto ON/OFF ¤ Porta PCIe 2.0 ¤ Connettore RTC integrato
Modifica : ^ Alimentazione CC 5 V/5 A tramite USB-C ^ Ventola altamente raccomandata per Pi5"
101,44 € SU AMAZON
Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB Starter Kit | 128 GB MicroSD | Alimentatore Ufficiale USB-C 27 W | Alloggiamento Ufficiale con Ventola | Cavo Micro HDMI 4K 1 m | Dissipatore di calore
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Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB Quad-core ARMA76 (64 bit – 2,4 GHz)
Custodia ufficiale Raspberry Pi 5 con ventola
Raspberry Pi 5 - Alimentatore di rete ufficiale 27 W, 5,1 V / 5 A
Scheda Micro SD da 128 GB + lettore USB
Cavo HDMI a Micro HDMI 4K, 1 m
145,90 € SU AMAZON
GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 Custodia con ufficiale Active Cooler, supporto PCIe M.2 NVMe SSD Shield Top X1001 / X1000 / N04 / N05
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Compatibilità: ① Supporto Raspberry Pi 5 con PCIe M.2 NVMe Shield TOP like N04 (ASIN: B0CTLX5MW5), N05 (ASIN: B0CTLT39Y3) ② Support separato Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB / 4 GB scheda madre ③ Support Official Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler, for N04 Kit, ASIN: B0CXPBQK7F, Per Pi5 8 GB with N04 Starter Kit,ASIN: B0D1QQ174C
Raffreddatore attivo ufficiale Raspberry Pi 5 incluso: il dispositivo di raffreddamento attivo per Raspberry Pi 5 è una soluzione di raffreddamento a clip dedicata per Raspberry Pi 5. Combina un dissipatore di calore in alluminio con una ventola a temperatura controllata per mantenere il tuo Raspberry Pi 5 a una temperatura operativa confortevole, anche sotto carichi pesanti.
Robusta e portatile: questa custodia in metallo per Raspberry Pi 5 è realizzata in materiale in ferro di alta qualità, può fornire una protezione forte e durevole per la vostra tavola Raspberry Pi 5.
Facile accesso a tutte le porte: la custodia per GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 può accedere in modo accurato al jack di alimentazione USB C, porte micro HDMI, porta USB, Ethernet jack, slot per schede SD, pulsante di alimentazione, connettori MIPI DSI/CSI a 4 fili e così via.
La confezione include: 1 custodia in metallo per Raspberry Pi 5, 1 caricatore ufficiale Raspberry Pi 5 attivo; 1 confezione di viti, 1 4 cuscinetti in gomma; 1 cacciavite. Nota: la scheda Raspberry Pi non è inclusa nella confezione.
Nota: non include Raspberry Pi 5 board, M.2 NVMe SSD, M.2 NVMe SSD Shield, M.2 NVMe SSD o adattatore di alimentazione.
22,80 € SU AMAZON
Freenove Three-Wheeled Smart Car Kit for Raspberry Pi 5 4 B 3 B+ B A+, Video Mode, Radar Mode, App Control, Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, Camera, Servo (Raspberry Pi NOT Included)
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Two Working Modes: Video mode (with camera) and Radar mode (with ultrasonic distance sensor) (Assembly required) (Raspberry Pi and Battery NOT included)
Detailed Tutorial: Provide step-by-step assembly guide and complete Python code (The download link can be found on the product box) (No paper tutorial)
Compatible Models: Raspberry Pi 5 / 4B / 3B+ / 3B / 3A+ (2B / B+ is also compatible but needs extra parts) (NOT included in this kit)
Control Methods: Controlled wirelessly by your Android phone or tablet, iPhone and computer (run Windows or Raspberry Pi OS)
Battery NOT Included: Please refer to the downloaded tutorial to buy
59,95 € SU AMAZON
raspberry pi robot kit
kit raspberry pi 5
raspberry pi 5 kit
raspberry pi 5 robot
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raspberry pi 5 kit completo
raspberry pi 5 kit ssd