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I 10 migliori prodotti di marzo 2025
Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 marzo 2025
RevitaLAB Hyaluron Anti-Aging Day and Night Cream, Enriched with Retinol, Caviar and Red Grape for Ages 50 - 65, 50 ml
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  • Victoria's Beauty face cream HYALURON contains low-molecular HYALURONIC ACID and RETINOL – two of the most powerful ANTI-AGING ingredients with clinically-proven efficacy. Hyaluronic acid grants deep hydration and plumps up the skin, enhancing its appearance, and improving its elasticity. Retinol stimulates collagen production and acts as a perfect line and wrinkle reduction treatment.
  • FOOD FOR YOUR SKIN: Caviar is rich in amino acids that will be directly absorbed into the skin. This ensures regular REJUVENATION of your skin to make you look younger, and to revitalize the tired and dull skin. The cell structure of caviar is similar to the cell structure of the human skin, which guarantees excellent tolerance and high effectiveness. Caviar accelerates the collagen production of the skin and supports its natural renewing processes, considerably slowing down its ageing.
  • The D-panthenol, African SHEA BUTTER, GRAPESEED OIL and pure VITAMIN E oil in this face serum saturate your skin with a well-balanced portion of the best vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants to revitalise it, make it firmer, brighter and visibly YOUNGER. With their antioxidant properties they perfectly complement the UVA/UVB filters for a skin care that provides a solid shield against environmental aggressors and pollutants, free radicals, and harsh weather conditions, further enhancing the anti-aging properties of the product for both men and women.
  • INNOVATIVE APPLICATION METHOD – the antibacterial membrane preserves the product, preventing contamination, and keeps it fresh for longer. + allowing economic and precise application.
  • 4,64 € (9,28 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON
RevitaLAB Hyaluron Anti-Aging Day and Night Cream, Enriched with Vitamins A, B3, B5, E, C, Jojoba Oil, and UV Filters for Ages 40 – 55, 50 ml
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  • HYALURON ANTI-AGING CREAM – for DRY, DAMAGED and DULL SKIN. This anti-aging face cream for women and men contains hyaluronic acid, folic acid, and algae that deeply moisturize, rejuvenate, and renew the skin, enhancing its elasticity and firmness for a youthful appearance and a healthy glow.
  • HYALURON, SHEA BUTTER, JOJOBA OILnatural ingredients for a great facial MOISTURIZER. The exotic jojoba oil and hyaluronic acid combination makes for an intense moisturizing and repairing skin care treatment that enhances elasticity and firmness, correcting signs of aging. Shea butter is rich in OMEGA 6 and 9 fatty acids which help accelerate healing, supplement the skin with vital nutrients to promote regeneration, and upkeep its health.
  • ANTIOXIDANT DETOX – Vitamins A (retinol), B3, B5, C, and E, and UV filters establish a strong shield against environmental aggressors, keeping your skin CLEAN and PROTECTED, from pollution, free radicals, and harsh conditions, all the while acting from within to repair the damage caused by the environmental aggressors for smooth, supple and fresh skin. Vitamin C counteracts signs of aging by stimulating collagen production. As a celebrated brightening ingredient, it illuminates the skin making it glow with vital energy.
  • INNOVATIVE APPLICATION METHOD – the antibacterial membrane preserves the product, preventing contamination, and keeps it fresh for longer. + allowing economic and precise application.
  • 4,64 € (9,28 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON
RevitaLAB Day and Night Collagen Anti-Aging Moisturiser, enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, Matrixyl® 3000, Hemp Seed Oil, and a UVA/UVB Filter for Ages 60 - 75, 50 ml
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  • Only the best, high-power, clinically-proven anti-ageing ingredientsMATRIXYL 3000 – patented peptide complex, clinically-proven reduction in lines and wrinkles, improved clarity and enhanced appearance, retinol (Vitamin A) – clinically proven line and wrinkle reduction and even skin tone, collagen - reinforced skin structure, hyaluronic acid – improved volume and lasting moisturization, and a uva/uvb filter – environmental protection.
  • Botanical actives for effective beauty care100% PURE HEMP SEED OIL AND AFRICAN SHEA BUTTER➤Cannabis oil contains the complete set of 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential ones, Vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, and E, and Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids. With its healing and regeneration-boosting properties, it makes a perfect fit for dry, itchy and sensitive skin. Deeply moisturizing, calming and rejuvenating, it’s been proven to benefit various dermal conditions, among which psoriasis, eczema, and atopic skin.
  • SKIN CARE MULTITASKER FOR COMPREHENSIVE BEAUTY RESULTSthe multipurpose day and night face cream combines 5 actions for INstant Beauty results ➤wrinkle reduction, improved elasticity and firmness, skin clarity, deep hydration, and environmental protection. Suitable for all skin types, especially beneficial for dry and aging skin. Semi-rich, the cream leaves behind a luxurious feel, without making your skin uncomfortably oily or shiny.
  • INNOVATIVE APPLICATION METHOD – the antibacterial membrane preserves the product, preventing contamination, and keeps it fresh for longer. + allowing economic and precise application.
  • 4,64 € (9,28 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON
RevitaLAB - Crema giorno e notte antietà con acido ialuronico, arricchita con vitamina A, B3, B5, E, C, olio di jojoba e filtri UV, 40-55 anni, 50 ml - Formato multipack
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  • HYALURON ANTI-AGING CREAM – for DRY, DAMAGED and DULL SKIN. This anti-aging face cream for women and men contains hyaluronic acid, folic acid, and algae that deeply moisturize, rejuvenate, and renew the skin, enhancing its elasticity and firmness for a youthful appearance and a healthy glow.
  • HYALURON, SHEA BUTTER, JOJOBA OILnatural ingredients for a great facial MOISTURIZER. The exotic jojoba oil and hyaluronic acid combination makes for an intense moisturizing and repairing skin care treatment that enhances elasticity and firmness, correcting signs of aging. Shea butter is rich in OMEGA 6 and 9 fatty acids which help accelerate healing, supplement the skin with vital nutrients to promote regeneration, and upkeep its health.
  • ANTIOXIDANT DETOX – Vitamins A (retinol), B3, B5, C, and E, and UV filters establish a strong shield against environmental aggressors, keeping your skin CLEAN and PROTECTED, from pollution, free radicals, and harsh conditions, all the while acting from within to repair the damage caused by the environmental aggressors for smooth, supple and fresh skin. Vitamin C counteracts signs of aging by stimulating collagen production. As a celebrated brightening ingredient, it illuminates the skin making it glow with vital energy.
  • INNOVATIVE APPLICATION METHOD – the antibacterial membrane preserves the product, preventing contamination, and keeps it fresh for longer. + allowing economic and precise application.
  • 7,14 € (14,28 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON
RevitaLAB Hyaluron Anti-Aging Day and Night Cream, Enriched with Vitamin A (Retinol) Vitamin E, Licorice Root Extract, Hyaluronic Acid and UV Filters for Ages 60 – 75, 50 ml
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  • HYALURON anti-aging and skin brightening cream – for DRY, DAMAGED, and MATURE skin. This anti-ageing face moisturizer contains licorice root extract, vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid renowned for their superior lightening, antioxidant and hydrating properties. The expert formulation gradually fades dark age spots, improves uneven pigmentation, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, while helping fade existing ones, and illuminates the skin, making it glow with health.
  • Licorice extract acts as a powerful CALMING agent, reducing irritation and alleviating itchy and rough skin. Enriched with licorice, the product soothes away the discomfort caused by irritated and dry skin as well as associated conditions such as eczema. OLIVE OIL and SHEA BUTTER are among the best nourishing ingredients, rich in OMEGA 6 and 9 fatty acids which accelerate healing, and are also strong skin soothing agents.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) is one of the most effective anti-wrinkle ingredients, helping reduce the number and depth of lines, stimulating collagen production, and enhancing skin elasticity. Vitamin A is also known as an effective age spots remover.
  • INNOVATIVE APPLICATION METHOD – the antibacterial membrane preserves the product, preventing contamination, and keeps it fresh for longer. + allowing economic and precise application.
  • 4,64 € (9,28 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON
Dulàc - Crema Viso Idratante Illuminante MAGNIFICA - Acido Ialuronico, Vitamina C, Acido Alfa Lipoico, Ratania e Uva Rossa, Antiossidanti, Idratanti, Attivi sul Microcircolo e sul Collagene
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  • 💁‍♀️ Crema illuminante viso Magnifica Dulàc Cosmetics, per una pelle vellutata e radiosa. Crema viso leggera, formulata con principi attivi che idratano a fondo e a lungo, svolgono una forte azione antiossidante e rendono la cute luminosa, tonica ed elastica
  • 💪 Ricca di Acido Alfa Lipoico, potente antiossidante in grado di impedire alle cellule di produrre citochine, sostanze che le danneggiano e ne accelerano l'invecchiamento. Ha un leggero effetto "pizzicante" sulla pelle, che scompare in pochi minuti
  • 🥰 Con Acido ialuronico a bassissimo peso molecolare, che agisce a fondo favorendo la produzione di collagene, rimpolpando e contrastando le rughe, e Acido ialuronico ad alto peso molecolare, che idrata la pelle a lungo
  • 👩 Arricchita con Proteine della Seta, che donano idratazione ed elasticità alla pelle, Uva rossa, che agisce sul microcircolo e stimola la sintesi del collagene, Ratania, che migliora il microcircolo, Vitamina C, che contrasta la degradazione del collagene
  • 📄 Risultati: Il 95%* delle persone ritiene che la crema Magnifica doni luminosità alla pelle, il 90%* che idrati in profondità e il 95%* è la valutazione globale del prodotto. *Risultato di test di autovalutazione su 20 volontarie che hanno utilizzato il prodotto 1 volta al giorno per 28 giorni consecutivi
  • 13,90 € (27,80 € / 100 g) SU AMAZON
AMADERM E-DAY Crema Viso Idratante Giorno - MADE IN ITALY Effetto Antiossidante e Anti-Foto Invecchiamento con Protezione Solare SPF, Vitamina E ed Attivi Antiossidanti 75ml AMADERM
12% Sconto Spedizione gratuita




  • [COS'È?] E-Day Cream è la crema idratante viso giorno protagonista della nostra Linea E. È la soluzione viso da giorno per chi ricerca una skincare routine semplice, essenziale ma efficace e di qualità. Un gesto quotidiano da dedicare alla propria pelle, mattina e pomeriggio, per proteggerla dai raggi UV solari e dagli stress ambientali.
  • [COSA FA?] Aiuta a conservare lo splendore e l’elasticità del viso, mantenendo la giovinezza dei tratti grazie alla sua potente azione antiossidante. Protegge la pelle dai radicali liberi (fra i principali responsabili del precoce invecchiamento della pelle del viso), la idrata ed esercita allo stesso tempo un effetto anti-fotoinvecchiamento e anti-età.
  • [COME SI APPLICA?] E-Day Cream è ideale per tutti i tipi di pelle. La formula è stata studiata per ridurre al minimo i rischi di allergia. Assimilata in qualche secondo, costituisce la base ideale per un make-up luminoso. Applicare tutte le mattine su viso, collo e décolleté con un delicato massaggio circolare, preferibilmente dopo la detersione con E-Cleansing Gel.
  • [EASY, ESSENTIAL & EXCITING BEAUTY ROUTINE] Se anche tu non hai tempo e voglia di seguire tutti gli step tradizionali per una perfetta skincare coreana, ora puoi puntare all'essenziale. Una skincare minimalista, composta da tre prodotti di altissima qualità: E-Day, E-Night ed E-Cleansing. Per una skincare facile ma efficace!
  • [MADE IN ITALY] I cosmeceutici AMADERM sono realizzati in laboratori certificati in Italia e contengono esclusivamente ingredienti selezionati di origine naturale e di prima qualità. Per tutti i nostri packaging abbiamo scelto flaconi in plastica o vetro e confezioni in carta certificata FSC realizzati con materie prime rinnovabili, secondo il principio Reduce Reuse and Recycle.
  • 13,26 € (17,68 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON